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Brompton Cemetery Clean Up Session - Saturday 19th November 2022


It's been a good while since the Chelsea Supporters' Trust last arranged a proper clean up session at Brompton Cemetery, long before the pandemic lockdown kept us away. But weeds and overgrowth wait for no one, and we are keen to get over there and tidy up before winter sets in.

We are proposing a get together, weather permitting, on Saturday 19th November 2022, meeting at the West Brompton entrance at 12 midday. This is after our last league game before breaking for the World Cup (Newcastle away) and before the tournament begins.

You will be provided with all the gardening tools we need for a good job to showcase our rich local club heritage to visitors of the cemetery. The tools will be generously supplied by Chelsea FC and we thank them for that. You should come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear along with water and snacks if you choose.

After a hard afternoon's graft, and no doubt plenty of Chelsea related reminisces, we plan to recuperate at a local hostelry for some liquid refreshment and/or a bite to eat. Please do come along, meet fellow Blues and enjoy a worthwhile afternoon of gentle gardening, a good chat and a laugh.

It would be helpful if you could advise us of your intention to come along, so please contact Debs at so we can anticipate the numbers. Also, any queries please let us know.

Debs Coady

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